The best ways to make use of search engine optimisation constantly change every year. This is because of the complex algorithms that SEO relies on, as well as the technical and creative elements required to improve rankings, drive traffic and increase search engine awareness. When search engines can’t find your website or add your content to their databases, you could be missing out on opportunities to drive traffic to your company. If you’re not already working with a company providing SEO services in Melbourne for your website, read on to learn five essential SEO tips and tricks in 2018 and beyond.

Focus on Keyword Research
It’s essential that every SEO strategy focuses on specific keyword research, however there’s no point having specific phrases in your content if no one types those keywords Google. This will only hinder the chances of your business getting new customers. Thus, it’s vital that keywords have the same basic meaning and intent behind them. You should also add variations of your keywords throughout the text so you don’t repeat the exact keyword or phrase, and all keywords should be relevant to your brand and the products or services you offer.
Make Your Website Mobile-Friendly
Google now favours websites that are mobile friendly, as they provide the user with a better experience. This is because mobile-friendly sites allow people to browse on devices like phones and tablets. It’s recommended that you optimise your website for mobile devices as soon as your site goes live in order to improve your rankings and bring more customers to your website.
Insert Links from Relevant Websites
To improve your rankings, it’s a great idea to insert links into your content. It’s important to ensure any external links are from relevant websites that are trusted. This is because Google finds your posts and pages when they’re linked from somewhere on the internet. Internal links can also be used to connect your content and give Google a better idea of the structure and hierarchy of your website.
Optimise Images for Better Results
For SEO to work in the best possible way, it’s essential to insert images on your website. Choose unique images that are page-relevant with the highest quality format possible. It’s also important to reduce the size of your images, as pages that take too long to load often have a higher bounce rate. It’s recommended that you use a smaller, high resolution image of your product where you’re able to, and offer visitors the option to view an enlarged image.
Secure Your Website
When it comes to SEO, all businesses should secure their websites by getting HTTPS. HTTPS helps secure connections and protect the data of its users. This includes information like their email address, password and credit card number. If your website isn’t secure, Google will notice your site’s visitors are not protected. This will put you at risk and your rankings may decrease.